لایه دوم دیکشنری (۳۰۰ کلمه) -درس هفتاد و چهارم

در درس مربوط به معرفی دیکشنری چند لایه، گفتیم که در لایه اول از دیکشنری چهار لایه، قرار است ۶۱ کلمه پایه‌ و در لایه دوم ۳۰۰ کلمه بعدی را یاد بگیریم.

در ۱۶ درس اول از این مجموعه، کلمات لایه اول را به کمک تصاویر مناسب، جمله و توضیح یاد گرفتیم..

در درس‌های قبل هم تعدادی از کلمات لایه دوم را یاد گرفتیم. در این درس و درس‌های آینده، یادگیری کلمات این لایه را ادامه می‌دهیم.

ask, asks, to ask, asking, asked

[You ask me to do X.] = You tell me that you want me to do X or tell you what you want to know about X.

[The woman asked me to give her something to eat.]

[The children asked what was inside the big container.]

question, questions

[X is a question.] = X is something you can say to someone because you want to know something and you want someone who knows this to tell you.

[If you have questions after looking at my plans, tell me what you want to know.]


[You say: “Yes.”] = You say something is true, or you say you want this.

[You want to know if I want some food, and I say: “Yes. I want some food.”]


[You say: “No.”] = You say something is not true, or you say you do not want this.

[You want to know if I want some food, and I say: “No. I do not want some food.”]


با توجه به متن زیر، تمرین بعد از آن را جواب دهید:

Questions often start using one of these words first: who, what, where, when, do, is, can, will.

Tony asks Lisa some questions, and Lisa tells Tony what he wants to know.

Tony asks: “Do you have some animals?”

Lisa says: “Yes. I have three animals.”

Tony asks: “What kinds of animals do you have?”

Lisa says: “__________.”

  • I have a cat and two fish
  • My name is Lisa, and your name is Tony
  • You have many animals

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