لایه دوم دیکشنری (۳۰۰ کلمه) -درس بیست و ششم

در درس مربوط به معرفی دیکشنری چند لایه، گفتیم که در لایه اول از دیکشنری چهار لایه، قرار است ۶۱ کلمه پایه‌ و در لایه دوم ۳۰۰ کلمه بعدی را یاد بگیریم.

در ۱۶ درس اول از این مجموعه، کلمات لایه اول را به کمک تصاویر مناسب، جمله و توضیح یاد گرفتیم..

در درس‌های قبل هم تعدادی از کلمات لایه دوم را یاد گرفتیم. در این درس و درس‌های آینده، یادگیری کلمات این لایه را ادامه می‌دهیم.

distance, distances, distance between, distances between

[X is the distance between J and K.] = J and K are two things that are not touching. X is a length you can think about like this: One end of something can touch J at the same time that its other end touches K if its length is X, but not if its length is less than X.

[The distance between these two buildings is the same as the distance between these two big plants.]


[X is narrow.] = You think like this about the distance between two sides of X: All parts of one side are near to the other side. The distance between these two sides is very much less than the length of X.

[This kind of plant has many long narrow parts.]


[X is wide.] = You think like this about the distance between two sides of X: X is not narrow. All parts of one side are far from the other side.

[Many people can be inside this building because it is long and wide.]

several, several of

[There are several things here.] = There are more than two things here, but not very many.

[I see several animals near the water.]


با توجه به تصویر زیر، تمرین بعد از آن را جواب دهید:

There are two containers here. One is narrow, and the other is wide.

There are several living things __________.

  • below these two containers
  • inside the narrow container
  • inside the wide container

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