… I’d rather

قبل از آنکه بگوییم قرار است در مورد چه موضوعی صحبت کنیم، بیایید دیالوگ و گفتگوی زیر را بخوانیم:

Anna likes to sit on the floor.She doesn’t want to sit on a chair.

صحبت درباره خواستن و تمایل به انجام یک کار مشخص است: like و doesn’t want. آنا دوست دارد روی زمین بنشیند و نمی‌خواهد روی صندلی بنشیند.

اما اگر بخواهیم به جای دو فعل بالا اشاره کنیم به “ترجیح” آنا و بگوییم که او “ترجیح” می‌دهد روی زمین بشنیند باید بگوییم:

So she says: I’d rather (= I would rather) sit on the floor.

این را به این شکل هم می‌توانیم بگوییم:

I would prefer to sit on the floor.

مثل همیشه قبل از خواندن چند نمونه جمله، این ساختار جمله would rather را ببینیم.

do / stay / have / be, etc I’d rather (I would rather)

I don’t really want to go out. I’d rather stay home. (= I’d prefer to stay home)

– Should we go now?
– No, not yet. I’d rather wait until later.

I’d like to go now, but Tom would rather wait until later.

I don’t like to be late. I’d rather be early.

برای منفی کردن هم قبل از فعل جمله، not می‌آوریم:

do / stay / have / be

I’d rather not (I would rather not)

I’m feeling tired. I’d rather not go out tonight. (= I’d prefer not to go out)

Sue is feeling tired. She’d rather not go out tonight.

We’re not hungry. We’d rather not eat yet.

برای سوالی کردن هم محل would و فاعل را جابجا می‌کنیم:

فعل به شکل پایه
do …? stay …? have …? be …? would you rather

– Would you like to go out tonight?
– I’d rather not. (= I’d rather not go out)

– Would you rather have milk or juice?
– Juice, please.

Which would you rather do – go to the movie theater or watch a movie at home?

دقت کنید که فعل بعد از I’d rather  نباید to داشته باشد:

I’d rather sit on the floor. (not I’d rather to sit)

Sue would rather not go out. (not to go)

اما فعل بعد از prefer حتماً باید با to بیاید:

I’d prefer to sit on the floor.

Sue would prefer not to go out.

I’d rather … than …

تا اینجا صرفاً درباره ترجیح دادن یک کار صحبت کردیم. اما اگر بخواهیم از ترجیح دادن یک کار به کار دیگر صحبت کنیم، باید از ساختار I would rather X than Y استفاده کنیم:

I’d rather go out than stay home.

I’d rather have a dog than a cat.

We’d rather go to the movie theater than watch a movie at home.

I’d rather be at home right now than here.

2 در مورد “… I’d rather”

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