گفتگوی فعال (Wolfman)-4


The first few times, he went to the hospital and got stitches.


Why did Shaun go to the hospital?

Shaun went to the
hospital to get stitches.


After he returned from the hospital, the wolves always tore the
stitches out and licked his wounds. They didn’t want to hurt
Shaun. They wanted to take care of him.


Why did the wolves tear out Shaun’s stitches and lick his

They wanted to take care of him.


Shaun later learned that wolf saliva has a healing effect that
speeds wound recovery.


What is the effect of wolf saliva?

Wolf saliva has a healing
effect that speeds wound recovery.


Shaun believes that the rough life of living outside with the
wolves, eating raw meat, and the healing effects of wolf saliva
have made him stronger.


Has living like a wolf made Shaun stronger or weaker?

Living like a wolf has made Shaun stronger.


Shaun continues to care for his wolf pack in England and
continues his unusual research on the way wolves live.


What is Shaun doing now?

He continues to care for wolf
pack in England and he continues his unusual research on
the way wolves live.


Wild wolves have been completely killed off by humans in many
countries including England.


Are there many wild wolves in England?

No, they’ve been
killed off.


In other parts of the world they are in danger of disappearing.
Shaun deeply respects these wild wolves and his main goal is to
protect them.


Why does Shaun study wolves?

His main goal is to protect


He has already had some success. His research on wolf
language has already helped stop some farmers from killing wild
wolves in Poland.


Has Shaun been successful?

Yes, his research on wolf
language has stopped some farmers from killing wild wolves
in Poland.


He hopes to continue studying and using his knowledge to help
humans and wild wolves live together more peacefully all over
the world.

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