گفتگوی فعال (Forgotten Genius)-4


Tesla was always busier with bigger projects. A network of free
and limitless energy that would connect the world was one dream
that he worked on during his life. Tesla was so busy with his
dream of providing free energy for the world that an Italian scientist, named Marconi, beat
him in the race to produce radio.


Who made the first radio?

Marconi made the first radio.


Marconi went on to become famous for developing the radio, but
the truth was he had stolen Tesla’s ideas.


Whose ideas did Marconi use?

Marconi used Tesla’s ideas.


Another dream of Tesla’s was to make a death ray that would
shoot lightning. Tesla was a peaceful man at heart. He hoped that
his death ray would be so powerful that it would end war forever.


Did Tesla want to start more wars?

No, Tesla didn’t want to
start more wars. He wanted to end war forever.


Most people thought he had gone crazy, but when he died the
U.S. government quickly took all of his research papers so no
one else could build his weapon of death.


Who took his research papers?

The U.S. government took
his research papers.


Despite his incredible mind, he was often remembered as a
strange man.


How was Tesla often remembered?

He was often
remembered as a strange man.


He always calculated the volume of his food and drink before
eating and only did things in multiples of threes. Today he would
probably be called an obsessive compulsive. He never owned a
house and instead always lived in hotels.


Where did Tesla live?

He always lived in hotels.


He never had a wife and never had any romantic relationships
with a woman. He was afraid of touching hair or even shaking
hands, which were probably connected to his lack of


What was Tesla afraid of?

He was afraid of touching hair or
shaking hands.


He was often surrounded by the rich and famous, but his deepest
friendships were with pigeons.
Despite his inability to have relationships with
people, he always wanted to help the world. At his
funeral, another scientist said, without Tesla and
his inventions, “the wheels of industry would cease
to turn, our electric cars and trains would stop, our
towns would be dark, our mills would be dead…”


Without Tesla, what would stop?

Without Tesla,
our electric cars and trains would stop.


The same could be said today. It’s hard to imagine
a world without Tesla’s AC system; a system we
still use today. Every light, every TV, every
computer, every electrical device that we use,
would not be possible without the genius of Tesla.


What did Tesla make possible?

He made every electrical device that we use possible.

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