در درس مربوط به معرفی دیکشنری چند لایه، گفتیم که در لایه اول از دیکشنری چهار لایه، قرار است ۶۱ کلمه پایه و در لایه دوم ۳۰۰ کلمه بعدی را یاد بگیریم.
در ۱۶ درس اول از این مجموعه، کلمات لایه اول را به کمک تصاویر مناسب، جمله و توضیح یاد گرفتیم..
در درسهای قبل هم تعدادی از کلمات لایه دوم را یاد گرفتیم. در این درس و درسهای آینده، یادگیری کلمات این لایه را ادامه میدهیم.
circle, circles
[X is a circle.] = X is a shape. Someone can mark a flat surface to make this shape. You think like this about the shape of X: The distance between the centre of X and each part of X is the same as the distance between the centre of X and each other part of X.
[I drew a circle around one of the words you wrote.]
picture, pictures, picture of, pictures of
[J is a picture of K.] = J is something that a person or machine makes. K is something you can see, like a person or a place or some other thing. J has a flat surface, and a person or machine causes different parts of this surface to become different colours. Because of this, when you see this surface, you see something that looks like K.
[I drew a picture of an animal and two trees.]
stone, stones
[X is a piece of stone.] = X is something hard and heavy that people do not make and that is not alive. Very many of these are parts of the ground or are far below the surface of the ground. X can be very small or big like a building.
[Some people make buildings using many pieces of stone.]
find, finds, to find, finding, found
[You find X.] = You now know that X is here in this place. But before now, you did not know this. Maybe you wanted to know where X was, but you did not know before now.
[This animal is trying to find some food.]
با توجه به تصویر زیر، تمرین بعد از آن را جواب دهید:
Tony drew two circles on a flat surface.
Lisa drew __________ on the other flat surface.
- a picture of a tree
- a picture of Tony
- three stones she found