در درس مربوط به معرفی دیکشنری چند لایه، گفتیم که در لایه اول از دیکشنری چهار لایه، قرار است ۶۱ کلمه پایه و در لایه دوم ۳۰۰ کلمه بعدی را یاد بگیریم.
در ۱۶ درس اول از این مجموعه، کلمات لایه اول را به کمک تصاویر مناسب، جمله و توضیح یاد گرفتیم..
در درسهای قبل هم تعدادی از کلمات لایه دوم را یاد گرفتیم. در این درس و درسهای آینده، یادگیری کلمات این لایه را ادامه میدهیم.
promise, promises, to promise, promising, promised
[You promise to do X.] = You tell some people you will do X at a time after now. You tell them you want them to think you are bad if you do not do X like you say you will.
[I promise not to eat your food when you are not here.]
[X does something sexual.] = X does something like what a male and female do when they cause a child to exist.
[The sexual parts of a male body and a female body are different.]
marry, marries, to marry, marrying, married, married to
[J and K are married.] = J is a man and K is a woman. They promised to do some things, and they said this to other people. They promise to do these things at all times after this that the two of them are alive. They promise to try to do what is good for and prevent what is bad for all children that they cause to exist. They promise not to do sexual things with other people. J promises to try to be near to K often and do what is good for her and prevent what is bad for her. K promises to try to be near to J often and do what is good for him and prevent what is bad for him.
[This big man is married to a small woman.]
[My parents married a long time before now when they were young.]
family, families
[X is your family.] = X is a group of people that contains you and the person you married and your children. X can contain other people who have parents or children that are part of this group. X can contain other people who are married to someone that is part of this group.
[This is the building where my family eats and sleeps.]
با توجه به متن زیر، تمرین بعد از آن را جواب دهید:
When a man and a woman marry, __________.
- they become part of the same family
- they do not need to breathe
- they promise to make many buildings